
Blog-Wei Gan


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I am Wei Gan, currently a Research Associate in the School of Engineering at Cardiff University, working under the supervision of Prof. Jianzhong Wu. My research is primarily focused on the co-optimization of electric and transport networks, as well as peer-to-peer energy trading. The primary goal of this work is to alleviate congestion and reduce connection queues by effectively coordinating different networks and integrating low-carbon resources, such as photovoltaics (PVs) and electric vehicles (EVs), into the energy networks, particularly the distribution networks. To date, I have authored over 10 journal papers as either the first or corresponding author in this field.


My journey into electrical engineering and energy system research began at Huazhong University of Science and Technology in China, where I pursued both my Bachelor’s and Ph.D. degrees. During my Ph.D., I had the opportunity to spend a year and a half each as a visiting student, gaining valuable experience first at the China Electric Power Research Institute and then at the Illinois Institute of Technology in the United States. Moving to Cardiff University and joining Supergen Energy Networks marks a new stage and the fourth platform of my academic career, also representing my first step in continuing scientific research after earning my Ph.D.

The decision to continue in scientific research after completing my Ph.D. was driven by my passion to contribute meaningfully within my field of expertise, specifically toward accelerating the achievement of net-zero goals within the distribution network. I am deeply passionate about my research and firmly believe in its value. My goal is to continue and deepen my work in this area, gaining cutting-edge insights and technologies, and combining them with the real needs of the industry to maximize the impact of my research.

My journey with Supergen began in October 2021, through Prof. Jianzhong Wu at Cardiff University, who is the Co-Director of the Supergen Energy Networks (Impact) Hub for both phases 1 and 2. Since then, Supergen has been the primary supporter of my research, providing invaluable funding and a top-tier platform for my work in the UK. Supergen has enabled me to collaborate with leading scholars and industry partners both in the UK and globally in the field of energy networks. Of particular importance to me is the significant support Supergen has provided for my research on coordinating flexible resources and coupled networks to mitigate gridlock, with a focus on real-world issues in the UK that are also globally relevant. This collaboration has also allowed me to tackle cutting-edge yet practical challenges that are of great interest to industry professionals.

For example, the first photo here shows me participating in a visit led by the Supergen Energy Networks (Impact) Hub to The Integrated Transport Gas Electric Research Laboratory (InTEGReL) in 2022.

The second photo depicts my attendance at our Annual Conference in September 2023, which took place at the Royal Academy of Engineering in London. I am quite honored to have won one of the best poster prizes in the conference.






List of Winner can be found by clicking the link:




For my specific research, I am currently focused on coordinating flexible resources, primarily EVs, using methods such as peer-to-peer energy sharing and multi-vector networks to mitigate gridlock and enhance resilience within Supergen projects. My work closely aligns with the Supergen Energy Network Impact Hub’s work packages, including WP2 ‘Policy, Society and Place,’ WP3 ‘Markets and Regulation,’ and WP4 ‘Risk and Resilience,’ as well as Mission 1 ‘Energy Network Solutions for Net Zero Whole Systems Futures.’ I collaborate closely with many Supergen colleagues, including Prof. Wu, Muditha, Dan, and Sian at Cardiff University, as well as work package leads like Robin and Peter. Supergen is a tightly-knit team, and I have strong connections with almost everyone, including our Director, Prof. Phil, and our project manager, Lindsey. The vision for my work is to achieve a just transition to net zero within distribution networks by leveraging flexible resources and network coupling with minimal network upgrades. Although there are significant challenges, such as quantifying EV flexibility, incentivizing user participation in providing flexibility, and ensuring compatibility with existing distribution network operations, I am highly interested and confident in the potential of our work to contribute to the realization of net zero in energy networks.

In addition to my research work with the Supergen Energy Networks (Impact) Hub, I am also a member of its Early Career Research (ECR) committee, which aims to support ECRs both in the UK and globally. This support includes providing various levels of flexible funding, such as travel funds for research activities or grants for research topics that align with the needs of both the Supergen Energy Networks (Impact) Hub and individual ECRs. The committee also offers an open and collaborative platform for ECRs to connect and exchange ideas. Inspired by my experience with the Supergen Energy Networks (Impact) Hub, I also joined CIGRE UK NGN, where I currently serve as a team lead. My goal there is to help young researchers and professional engineers in the power industry engage with CIGRE’s activities and develop their knowledge, skills, and networks within the industry.

Currently, my contract, supported by the Supergen Energy Networks (Impact) Hub, extends until October of next year. After that, I hope to maintain a close and direct relationship with the Supergen Energy Networks (Impact) Hub, whether through securing additional funding to extend my contract or by receiving flexible funding as a Principal Investigator (PI). Personally, I aspire to continue developing my academic career with the strong support of Supergen and my team at Cardiff. I aim to make significant progress in securing project funding and advancing my academic position. I also hope to establish closer collaborations with industry, ensuring that my research finds practical applications. For the Supergen Energy Networks (Impact) Hub, I hope to see its continued growth, playing a crucial role over the next five years and beyond in supporting the planning and operation of the UK’s energy networks, ultimately contributing to the realization of net zero through well-prepared and congestion-free energy networks.

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News and Events

Latest News


Energy Transition Report

Featured News Publication

The Supergen Energy Networks Hub is committed to conducting interdisciplinary research aimed at propelling energy networks as catalysts for a swift, secure, and equitable journey to Net Zero

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Decision Making in Energy Networks

Event Featured News

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Future of Energy Network Regulation

Featured News

Colleagues from the Supergen Energy Networks Hub, host a roundtable in London with key stakeholders from across the energy landscape.

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Phil Taylor elected a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering

Featured News

Phil Taylor elected Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering

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UK-China Visit to University of Bath

Featured News

University of Bath hosts UK-China visit

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Participation in the International Youth Conference on Energy

Blog Featured News Publication

Bouthaina is a PhD student at Mohammadia School of Engineering in Morocco and a member of the SEN ECR Committee.

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Energy Transition Report

Featured News Publication

The Supergen Energy Networks Hub is committed to conducting interdisciplinary research aimed at propelling energy networks as catalysts for a swift, secure, and equitable journey to Net Zero

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Decision Making in Energy Networks

Event Featured News

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Future of Energy Network Regulation

Featured News

Colleagues from the Supergen Energy Networks Hub, host a roundtable in London with key stakeholders from across the energy landscape.

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Phil Taylor elected a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering

Featured News

Phil Taylor elected Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering

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UK-China Visit to University of Bath

Featured News

University of Bath hosts UK-China visit

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Participation in the International Youth Conference on Energy

Blog Featured News Publication

Bouthaina is a PhD student at Mohammadia School of Engineering in Morocco and a member of the SEN ECR Committee.

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Blog-Wei Gan

Blog Featured News

Wei Gan, currently a Research Associate in the School of Engineering at Cardiff University, working under the supervision of Prof. Jianzhong Wu. My research is primarily focused on the co-optimization of electric and transport networks, as well as peer-to-peer energy trading.

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Blog-Natalia Zografou Barredo

Blog Featured News

Natalia is a researcher at the School of Engineering, Newcastle University, U.K. and is part of the Electrical Power Research group. Her research focus is on whole energy systems (including hydrogen), energy systems resilience and mathematical optimisation with applications in electricity distribution.

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Transitioning Power Systems to Net Zero

Event Featured News

The next of many future interviews with Supergen members that looks at the diverse challenges and solutions that face Energy…

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Community and Networks- An interview with Dr Sam Williamson


The next of many future interviews with Supergen members that looks at the diverse challenges and solutions that face Energy…

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Cyber Security | Programme Funding


Supergen Energy Networks CO’I, Sridhar Adepu is amongst experts in the Cyber Security Group at the University of Bristol who…

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ECR in the SEN Hub-Dr Sam Williamson Interview


Dr Sam Williamson of Bristol Univeristy talks in this video about what ECR (Early Career Researchers) are, their importance and how people can get involved. As an active committee member, Dr Williamson talks with us about the key role that ECR takes within Universities. Exploring the benefits for those involved, the connections that can be made and the community that develops.

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Net-zero Supergen Documentary-Pursuing Low carbon Energy

Featured News

In collaboration with One World at World Energy TV, Supergen is proud to release our brand new documentary. Highlighting the importance of collaboration in our mission towards Net-zero.

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Vulnerabilities in Networks- An interview with Dr Caitlin Robinson

Featured News

The first of many future interviews with Supergen members looking at the diverse challenges and solutions that face Energy Networks.

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Identification of weather patterns and transitions likely to cause power outages in the United Kingdom

News Publication

High risk weather patterns and pattern transitions for all seasons were identified with winter weather patterns characterized by high wind speeds and high precipitation volumes

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National Centre for Decarbonisation of Heat

Featured News

£20 million was recently awarded to the University of Birmingham via the Department for Levelling Up

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Funding Received


Funding recently awarded to two projects within the Supergen Energy Networks Team

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Supergen Energy Networks Hub bolstered by £5million Government Funding

Featured News

The Supergen Energy Networks (SEN) Hub, set up to help facilitate transition to a fully sustainable energy sector, has received substantial financial backing from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI).

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Supergen’s Flex fund supports 24 projects over Hub’s lifespan


Breakdown of projects supprted by Supergen flex fund along with key outcome metrics

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Dr Sridhar Adepu secures two new projects

Featured News

Description of Dr Sridhar Adepu’s 2 new projects

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REA future game changers award *Deadline 8th June*

Featured News

Supergen Biohub, Supergen Offshore Renewables and Supergen Energy Networks collaborate for Future Game Changers Award at the British Renewable Energy Awards

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UKERC summer school in global Just Transition: Equity in net zero

Featured News

News piece outlining the UKERC summer school in Global Just Transition: Equity in net zero

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Net Zero Innovation Board


Supergen Energy Networks are pleased to announce that Professor Phil Taylor (University of Bristol) has been asked to join the government’s ‘Net Zero Innovation…

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How technology can be used to help us adapt our lives to a changed climate


Professor Sara Walker and Dr David Greenwood recently took place in a video to talk about how technology can be used to help us adapt our lives to a changed climate.

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Professor Phil Taylor and Professor Sara Walker discuss Hydrogen on Sky News


Supergen Energy Networks are pleased to announce that Professor Phil Taylor (University of Bristol) has been asked to join the government’s ‘Net Zero Innovation…

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Heat pumps: UK to install 600,000 a year by 2028 but electrical grid will need massive investment to cope


Dr Robin Preece and Dr Ali Ehsan (Manchester University), recently wrote an article which was published in The Conversation about Heat Pumps and …

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COP26 sparks discussion about car usage in the North East


Supergen Deputy Director, Professor Sara Walker, features in an interview and gives her advice on reducing vehicle emissions.

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Horizon Scanning Report 2020-21


Supergen Energy Networks are pleased to announce that Professor Phil Taylor (University of Bristol) has been asked to join the government’s ‘Net Zero Innovation…

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Publication: International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems


We are pleased to announce the recent publication in the International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems

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EDI Blog Series: Challenges in Your Career Pathway


About the Author: Professor Sara Walker is the Director of The Centre for Energy, in the School of Engineering. Her res…

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Supergen Energy Networks Director, Professor Phil Taylor presents at House of Lords Science and Technology Committee


As part of the UK’s strategy for battery and fuel cell R&D, Professor Phil Taylor presented…

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Supergen EN Director, Professor Phil Taylor, Keynote at the 12th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE2020)


The International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE) due to be held in Bangkok…

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Measuring the impact of the Covid-19 lockdown on energy networks


Newcastle University researchers are rolling out a project to study the impact of the…

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Supergen EN Deputy Director, Dr Sara Walker announced as 2020 Network Awards judge


To coincide with her announcement as an award judge, Dr Sara Walker has been interviewed for …

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UK research hubs launch latest phase of sustainable energy programme


Press Release to support the HoP Launch Event

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Parliamentary launch event hosted by James Heappey MP


Information on the plans for the parliamentary launch on Monday 17th June

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Building our energy future


Information on an article published in Network Magazine on Energy Networks and the challenges they face.

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The Latest Developments in Green Hydrogen in the UK


Prof Phil Taylor discusses whole energy systems and the integration of Hydrogen

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“UK Policy still way off the mark” to achieve net-zero emissions


Leading climate experts at Newcastle University, including our Hub Director Prof Phil Taylor…

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Open for applications: Newcastle University’s new NUAcT Fellowship Programme


The NUAcT Fellowship programme will recruit 100 new fellows over the next 5 years.

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Newcastle University PhD Studentship Opportunity: Contribution to the transition to a Customer Led Power Distribution System


Recruitment is underway for this 3.5 year PhD Studentship sponsored by Northern Powergrid in Newcastle…

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Decision Making in Energy Networks

Event Featured News

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Transitioning Power Systems to Net Zero

Event Featured News

The next of many future interviews with Supergen members that looks at the diverse challenges and solutions that face Energy…

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Risk & Resilience Day 2024


The most recent Risk & Resilience Day 2024 workshop held by SEN on12th March

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Supergen Energy Networks Conference


We will be hosting the free to attend Supergen Energy Networks conference in the Royal Academy of Engineering, London, from 5-7 September 2023.

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Risk & Resilience Day


EPSRC Supergen Energy Networks Hub Risk and Resilience Day contiuned the tradition of the previous Durham Risk Day series (2010-2014)

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Whole Energy Systems


The events supported by the EPSRC Supergen Energy Networks Hub include webinars on a range of topics.

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ECR Online Event: Data in Energy Networks


EPSRC Supergen Energy Networks Hub Early Career Researcher Committee hosted an online networking event centred on the topic of “Data in Energy Networks”

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Cross Hub Energy Networks Session


The Role of Energy Networks Towards the 2035 Emissions Target

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Net Zero Activities


The sen Hub have been involved in a number of activities focussing on ‘The Role of Energy Networks Towards the 2035 Emissions Target’ and Net Zero.

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Green Infrastructure Week


As part of the Green Infrastructure Week, we are hosting 3 live online sessions discussing challenges to Net Zero Infrastructure. 

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Cross Hub Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Session


The equality diversity and inclusion session at the Supergen COP26 conference involved 7 high profile colleagues who are actively undertaking interventions to improve equality diversity and inclusion

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Early Career Researcher: Cross- Hub Webinar Series


Following on from the success of the 2020 Supergen ECR Cross Hub webinar series, the Supergen Hubs have started a new series of webinars for 2021

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Webinar Series 2020/21: Whole Systems Energy Transparency: More power to software developers!


Our series of webinars focussing on the research of our seven flex funded projects which were awarded in 2019 has now concluded. 

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Webinar Series 2020/21: Using machine learning to represent power system dynamics


Our series of webinars focussing on the research of our seven flex funded projects which were awarded in 2019 has now concluded. 

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Webinar Series 2020/21: Emissions-led dispatch of hybrid heating systems


Our series of webinars focussing on the research of our seven flex funded projects which were awarded in 2019 has now concluded. 

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Webinar Series 2020/21: Consumer-centric privacy protection scheme for energy consumption data


Our series of webinars focussing on the research of our seven flex funded projects which were awarded in 2019 has now concluded. 

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Webinar Series 2020/21: GRid flexibility by Electrifying Energy Network


Our series of webinars focussing on the research of our seven flex funded projects which were awarded in 2019 has now concluded. 

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Webinar Series 2020/21: Decarbonisation of energy systems of South Asian developing economies through regional collaborations


Our series of webinars focussing on the research of our seven flex funded projects which were awarded in 2019 has now concluded. 

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Webinar Series 2020/21: Whole system analysis of advanced thermal energy storage technologies in future UK energy networks


Our series of webinars focussing on the research of our seven flex funded projects which were awarded in 2019 has now concluded. 

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Webinar Series 2020/21: EnFORMM (Energy FORecasting and analytics for Market-led Multi-vector networks)


Our series of webinars focussing on the research of our seven flex funded projects which were awarded in 2019 has now concluded. 

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Webinar Series 2020/21: International Career Journey to UK Energy


Our series of webinars focussing on the research of our seven flex funded projects which were awarded in 2019 has now concluded. 

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Electric Vehicles’ Smart Charging Webinar Series


This series of webinars provides an introduction to vehicle to grid (V2G) and smart charging projects and topics, with invited guest speakers from institutions in the UK and overseas.

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Low Carbon Networks & Innovation Conference 2019


Date/Time: 30 -31 October 2019, 08:30 – 16:30

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Industrial Partnership Workshop 14th May 2019


Markets and Regulation play a critically important role in facilitating the development of intelligent, efficient, adaptive and open energy networks within which both existing and new energy players can profit.

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INCOSE Workshop: Modelling of Integrated Multi-Energy Networks – Current practices and innovation gaps


Energy networks are vitally important enablers for the UK energy sector and therefore UK industry and society. Energy networks have a key role to play in achieving the goals set out in the UK government’s Industrial Strategy, most notably in terms of the clean growth aspects.

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Participation in the International Youth Conference on Energy

Blog Featured News Publication

Bouthaina is a PhD student at Mohammadia School of Engineering in Morocco and a member of the SEN ECR Committee.

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Blog-Wei Gan

Blog Featured News

Wei Gan, currently a Research Associate in the School of Engineering at Cardiff University, working under the supervision of Prof. Jianzhong Wu. My research is primarily focused on the co-optimization of electric and transport networks, as well as peer-to-peer energy trading.

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Blog-Natalia Zografou Barredo

Blog Featured News

Natalia is a researcher at the School of Engineering, Newcastle University, U.K. and is part of the Electrical Power Research group. Her research focus is on whole energy systems (including hydrogen), energy systems resilience and mathematical optimisation with applications in electricity distribution.

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International Women’s Day 2023


#EmbraceEquality Newcastle University colleagues share their thoughts on #embraceequity International Women’s Day 2023 A…

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Net zero: What does the public think?


Net zero, the target of reducing our emissions by 100% by the year 2050, is a movement which most people know about and support.

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International Collaboration – Enhancing Industry and Academic Engagement: Energy Network Challenges and Opportunities


Supergen Energy Networks Hub visit to Accra, Ghana (7 – 8th July 2022)

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UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship Award


Xin Zhang works as a Senior Lecturer in Electronic and Electrical Engineering at Brunel University London and was recent…

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Joint Supergen Energy Networks Hub and National Energy Action workshop


Supergen Energy Networks (SEN) Hub is committed not only to researching energy networks solutions/technologies to help a…

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Barriers to Black Academia Roundtable Workshop


Attendees: University of Bristol (Dr Amaka Onyianta, Dr Anita Etale, Prof Phil Taylor, Dr Andreas Elombo, Prof Stephen E…

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EDI Blog Series – Part 2: Adib Allahham


About the Author: Dr Adib Allahham is Senior Research Associate at School of Engineering, Newcastle University. His res…

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Energy researchers improving awareness and action for EDI: some practical ideas


Biography: Dr Amy Stabler is a Senior Lecturer at Newcastle University Business School and Programme Director for the M…

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Bristol Cardiff Supergen Workshop


Attendees- Phil Taylor, Jianzhong Wu, Muditha Abeysekera, Jack Dury, Sian Allister, Laiz Souto, Daniel Carr, Yang Gao, W…

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COP26: Implications for Energy Networks


Conference of the Parties (COP) is arguably one of the most important international conferences…

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RA Catchup Event


On December 9th 2021, Research Assistants (RAs) met in Bristol for dinner ahead of the final Supergen networking event before the new year.

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Who perseveres wins!


Let me tell you a story….  It feels like it started a long, long time ago but in reality it has only been 20 months…

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Looking Back at the Supergen COP26 Fishbowl Event


The Supergen COP26 Fishbowl was a public engagement activity in which participants from…

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An Interdisciplinary Research Perspective on the Future of Multi-Vector Energy Networks


Dr Dragan Cetenovic is a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Manchester, where he works as a part..

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Supergen COP26 Cross Hub Conference – EDI session


The equality diversity and inclusion session at the Supergen COP26 conference involved …

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Looking back at our event on digital inclusion in the energy market


On the afternoon of the 26th of May, a team with partners from University of Liverpool…

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Impacts of Climate Change on Security of Supply via the GB Capacity Market


Feedback to BEIS Panel of Technical Experts on interconnector modelling in the 2021 Electricity Capacity Report

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Combined capacity and operation optimisation for multi-vector local energy systems


Academics and researchers involved in the EPSRC Supergen Energy Networks Hub, based in the School of…

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Approaching Equality, Diversity and Inclusion within research teams


As EPSRC publishes their findings on gender perspectives within their research funding portfolio…

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Techno-economic-environmental evaluation framework for integrated gas and electricity distribution networks considering impact of different storage configurations


Researchers and Academics from the EPSRC funded Supergen Energy Networks Hub and the …

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Optimal planning and operation of multi-vector energy networks: A systematic review


Academics from the EPSRC Supergen Energy Networks Hub and National Centre for Energy Systems Integration (CESI), Dr Hamid Hosseini…

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The Energy Sector and UK Recovery in the Wake of the COVID Pandemic


The COVID pandemic has, for some sectors of UK society and business, brought into sharp relief the need for change.

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Potential use of interconnectors for exteme events; leading to net-zero and after


n 10th May 2020, the GB electricity network encountered an extraordinary occurrence which, with…

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Online Conference 2020


From the 29 April to the 1 June 2020, the Supergen Energy Networks Hub organised and delivered …

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How Should the Security Contribution of Interconnectors be Calculated?


The GB capacity market is designed to ensure that there is enough electrical generating capacity to meet…

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Climate Change: Think Global, Act Local


While the UK is the first country to pass into law net-zero emissions by 2050, much work needs to be done …

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Inaugural Conference


We are in the initial stages of arranging the inaugural Supergen Energy Networks Conference which …

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Future Markets and Regulations


Supergen Energy Networks Hub brought together a group of stakeholders in May 2019 to discuss the future of energy market…

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Modelling of Integrated Multi-Energy Networks – Current Practices and Innovation Gap


The energy trilemma (energy security, environmental impact and social cost) present various complex …

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Creating Bridges with Chinese Partners interested in the Supergen Energy Networks Hub


Prof Vladimir Terzija creates bridges with Chinese academic and industrial partners and talks about…

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Addressing Equality Diversity and Inclusion in Engineering


I recently attended and event called ‘Data Driven Culture Change’ at the Royal Academy of Engineering…

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Techno-Economic-Environmental Analysis of A Smart Multi Energy Grid Utilising Geothermal Energy Storage For Meeting Heat Demand


Researchers based at Newcastle University from the EPSRC funded Supergen Energy Networks …

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News & Events


Energy Transition Report

Featured News Publication

The Supergen Energy Networks Hub is committed to conducting interdisciplinary research aimed at propelling energy networks as catalysts for a swift, secure, and equitable journey to Net Zero

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Decision Making in Energy Networks

Event Featured News

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Future of Energy Network Regulation

Featured News

Colleagues from the Supergen Energy Networks Hub, host a roundtable in London with key stakeholders from across the energy landscape.

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Phil Taylor elected a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering

Featured News

Phil Taylor elected Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering

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UK-China Visit to University of Bath

Featured News

University of Bath hosts UK-China visit

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Participation in the International Youth Conference on Energy

Blog Featured News Publication

Bouthaina is a PhD student at Mohammadia School of Engineering in Morocco and a member of the SEN ECR Committee.

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Blog-Wei Gan

Blog Featured News

Wei Gan, currently a Research Associate in the School of Engineering at Cardiff University, working under the supervision of Prof. Jianzhong Wu. My research is primarily focused on the co-optimization of electric and transport networks, as well as peer-to-peer energy trading.

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Blog-Natalia Zografou Barredo

Blog Featured News

Natalia is a researcher at the School of Engineering, Newcastle University, U.K. and is part of the Electrical Power Research group. Her research focus is on whole energy systems (including hydrogen), energy systems resilience and mathematical optimisation with applications in electricity distribution.

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Transitioning Power Systems to Net Zero

Event Featured News

The next of many future interviews with Supergen members that looks at the diverse challenges and solutions that face Energy…

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