
EPSRC Supergen Energy Networks Funding

Flexible funding is an opportunity for the hub to offer support to our Early Career Researchers to bid for projects which enables them to deliver a significant research output and gain a track record of funding awards.  We encourage collaboration with established academics and impact partners, to help build collaborative industrial relationships.


The SEN Hub works towards improving the balance of protective characteristics across the hub and therefore no eligible funding applicant will receive less favourable treatment on the grounds of: race and ethnicity, gender re-assignment, disability, sex, sexual orientation, age, religion or belief, pregnancy or maternity status, marital status or socio-economic background. All proposals will be anonymised prior to review by the Call Panel, and will be assessed on equal terms, regardless of the gender, age and/or ethnicity of the applicant.


Proposals for funding are assessed and graded on their merits, in accordance with the criteria and the aims and objectives set for the call. If you have any queries please contact the Supergen Energy Networks Hub.



Flexible Funding

Previous Flexible Funding



ECR Seedcorn Funding

Previous ECR Seedcorn Funding



Cross Hub Funding


Previous Cross Hub Funding