
Industrial Partnership Workshop 14th May 2019


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Markets and Regulation play a critically important role in facilitating the development of intelligent, efficient, adaptive and open energy networks within which both existing and new energy players can profit. This requires continued innovation in commercial and regulatory frameworks that promotes whole-system efficiency, resilience to withstand major societal, technical and environmental shifts.

This workshop took place on 14th May 2019 at the London campus of the University of Bath. The meeting was attended by representatives from major energy providers, the regulator Ofgem, and academics with expertise in the energy sector.


This workshop aimed to support the Hub in setting the broad research direction in Markets and Regulation for energy networks. The intention was to bring together key stakeholders from the energy industry to achieve the following key objectives:

Topics included:

key limitations with the current commercial and regulatory arrangements – industry and academic views
identifying emerging research challenges, and the future direction of the research for the Hub
identify collaboration strategies between industry and the academic Hub


The key outcomes from the workshop will form a white paper to inform the government and the industrial and academic communities on the key challenges faced in markets and regulation of future energy networks, and the research approaches proposed to tackle them.


C Harris npower presentation
M Polletti Ofgem presentation
M Pollitt University of Cambridge presentation
N Turvey Western Power Distribution presentation 

Full Meeting Notes: 

Industrial Partnership Workshop full meeting notes

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