
Newcastle University PhD Studentship Opportunity: Contribution to the transition to a Customer Led Power Distribution System


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Recruitment is underway for this 3.5 year PhD Studentship sponsored by Northern Powergrid in Newcastle University’s School of Engineering.

The transition from Distribution Network Operator (DNO) to Distribution System Operator (DSO) is a complex issue with many possible options for restructuring the distribution sector. Identifying the most appropriate structures that can achieve the best whole system outcome requires advanced understanding of interplays between the operation of markets for energy and for network services, network operation, infrastructure development and the growth of distributed energy resources (DERs).

This studentship will consider the problem of how to accommodate large values of distributed energy resources (DERs) at the least cost, while at the same time delivering value to DERs so that they can thrive in market based conditions.

Supervised by CESI Co-Investigator Dr Haris Patsios and Dr Peter Davison, both in the University’s School of Engineering, the successful candidate will receive 100% of tuition fees paid and annual living expenses of £14,777 (full award).

Northern Powergrid

Studentship Duration
April 2019 for 3.5 years

Application closing date
28 February 2019

Further information
Further information, including how to apply and eligibility criteria, please see the Studentship web page.

Contact Dr Haris Patsios about this opportunity

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