
Parliamentary launch event hosted by James Heappey MP


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The role of UK energy research hubs and centres in cutting greenhouse gas emissions from UK energy supply

The UK Government has made significant investments into essential research for low-carbon energy production and sustainable distribution.  The Supergen (SUstainable PowER GENeration and supply) Programme was established in 2001 by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and has just moved into its 4th phase.

This £16 million phase comprises of the following 4 multidisciplinary research hubs

Each hub will not only interact with academics but will also include crucial engagement with the wider energy sector including national and international industry, government, trade association partners,  policy and public stakeholders. 

A joint Houses of Parliament launch event, hosted by James Heappey MP, will take place on Monday 17th June 2019.  The event will introduce the Hubs and their work to a select audience and highlight the important research that has already been carried out.  The launch will also provide a valuable opportunity to network and contribute to the future work carried out.

A full press release will be available after the event.  

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News & Events


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The Supergen Energy Networks Hub is committed to conducting interdisciplinary research aimed at propelling energy networks as catalysts for a swift, secure, and equitable journey to Net Zero

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Bouthaina is a PhD student at Mohammadia School of Engineering in Morocco and a member of the SEN ECR Committee.

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Blog-Wei Gan

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Wei Gan, currently a Research Associate in the School of Engineering at Cardiff University, working under the supervision of Prof. Jianzhong Wu. My research is primarily focused on the co-optimization of electric and transport networks, as well as peer-to-peer energy trading.

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Blog-Natalia Zografou Barredo

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Natalia is a researcher at the School of Engineering, Newcastle University, U.K. and is part of the Electrical Power Research group. Her research focus is on whole energy systems (including hydrogen), energy systems resilience and mathematical optimisation with applications in electricity distribution.

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