The events supported by the EPSRC Supergen Energy Networks Hub include webinars on a range of topics. Recordings of the webinars are available to download following the event.
The Whole Energy Systems Team at Newcastle University have an exciting new list of webinar speakers this Spring. Talks are held late morning (UTC) every other Thursday. Details of speakers and dates are below: please register to join the talks:
17th Feb (11am – 12pm UTC)
Prof Mark Barrett and Dr Tiziano Gallo Cassarino, UCL.
“ESTIMO modelling of zero emission energy systems with renewables, storage and interconnector trade – with a focus on heating options”.
3rd March (12pm – 1pm UTC)
Dr Shandelle Steadman, Cranfield University.
“Local Energy For Sale: An Experimental Analysis of Consumers’ and Prosumers’ Decision-Making in Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading Platforms”.
17th March (11am – 12pm UTC)
Ryan Jenkinson, Centre for Net Zero and Dr Myriam Neaimeh, Alan Turing Institute.
“Designing a grid fit for the future: democratising distribution network analysis with an openly accessible online tool and real-world smart meter data.”
31st March (12pm – 1pm UTC)
Dr Liyang Han, Technical University of Denmark (DTU).
“A regression-based data market for energy systems”.
Previous Webinars
Past sessions are available to view online
- OPEN: An Open-Source Python Platform for Developing Smart Local Energy System Applications Thomas Morstyn
- Quantifying the sensitivity of European Power Systems to Climate Variability and Change Hannah Bloomfield
- Load Forcasting for Low Voltage Distribution Systems Stephen Haben
- From Transmission to Thermostat: Integrated Building/Grid Operations Kyri Baker
- Drivers and Challenges for Multi-Energy System Analysis Graeme Hawker
- Co-innovating the development of distribution systems to enable decarbonisation Pádraig Lyons
- The future of cooling and its links to the Sustainable Development Goals Nicole Miranda
- Open energy system models: overview, community, legal contect, emerging infrastructure Robbie Morrison
- Decarbonising heat and shipping Olivia Carpenter-Lomax
- Model-based decision-support for the energy transition with Calliope Stefan Pfenninger
- Smart Energy Network Demonstrators and Digital Twins Ian Lloyd
- A decision tool for real-time operation of public sector multi-energy systems Sathsara Abeysinghe
- CESI Operational model: Introduction and instances of application Hamid Hosseini and Adib Allaham
- Operating low-inertia grids: challenges and solutions Dr Luis Badesa
