
Webinar Series 2020/21: EnFORMM (Energy FORecasting and analytics for Market-led Multi-vector networks)


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Our series of webinars focussing on the research of our seven flex funded projects which were awarded in 2019 has now concluded. 

All webinar sessions are available to view on our YouTube channel.

If you have any questions or queries please contact Lindsey Allen, Research Project Coordinator.

12 October: EnFORMM (Energy FORecasting and analytics for Market-led Multi-vector networks)

Speakers: Jethro Browell  and Thomas Alexander (University of Strathclyde)

Energy FORecasting and analytics for Market-led Multi-vector networks

Project Summary

EnFORMM will develop forecasting tools for efficient operation of multi-vector energy networks and markets. New methods based on data science and machine learning will be developed to predict electricity and gas market prices and volumes, and to quantify risk. A key aspect of EnFORMM is the explicit consideration of interdependencies between energy vectors. This technology will enhance new and existing business models, such as distributed resource aggregators and heat/energy-as-a-serve, in support of the transition to a zero-carbon energy system. EnFORMM is promoting excellence in UK energy research by supporting outstanding Early Career Researchers at the University of Strathclyde. 

Further information and project partners

Speaker: Yuankai Bian (Bath University)

Challenges for the changing system inertia and implications to frequency response market design

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