Early Career Researcher Travel Fund


The Supergen Energy Networks Hub (SEN), ECR travel fund allows ECR’s to access funds for travel and related expenses, including accommodation and subsistence, with the aim to progress their own career opportunities and research collaborations.

Maximum Travel Award per applicant: £750 for successful applications.


Number of Travel Awards per person (Aug 2024 – Feb 2025):

  • 1 successful application per applicant with a maximum award of £750, or
  • 2 successful applications per applicant with a total award of £750.


Maximum Number of Awards per month: No more than 2 awards per month.


All applications/applicants:

  • Must be submitted via the online form to the SEN ECR Committee.
  • Will be assessed (blind review) by two members of the ECR committee, overseen by Sam Williamson (ECR Co-Director), and Lindsey Allen (Project Manager) of the SEN Hub.
  • To be received by the last working day of each month during the term of the funds; successful applicants will be informed by the middle of the following month.
  • Will be assessed based on the aims and objectives of the SEN hub and awarded to requests which show relevance to the applicant’s career progression and collaboration/networking opportunities.
  • We will only assess applications that are complete.
  • To complete a summary blog following award which will be published on the SEN website showing impact from receiving ECR travel funds.






Submission Criteria:

  • All travel requests must satisfy the purpose of the ECR Travel Fund and the SEN Hub.
  • Applicants must be an ECR based at a Higher Education Institution eligible to hold Research Council awards.
  • Individuals may submit more than one request for funding throughout the duration of the fund but will be awarded no more than a maximum of £750 (based on 2 successful requests).
  • Awarded funds must be fully utilised and expenses claimed by mid-March 2025.
  • Approval from supervisor/line-manager before applying

Equal Opportunities:

The SEN Hub seeks to act as a beacon for Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion such that it enables all to realise their full potential by recognising the contribution of everyone and recognising and harnessing the benefits that differences can bring. The UK Research Councils are committed to eliminating unlawful discrimination and promoting equality of opportunity and good relations across and between the defined equalities groups in all their relevant functions.

Accordingly, no eligible funding applicant will receive less favourable treatment on the grounds of gender, marital status, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, race, colour, nationality, ethnicity or national origins, religion, or similar philosophical belief, spent criminal conviction, age, disability, career breaks, paternity/maternity or adoption leave breaks.


Proposals will be assessed on their merits, in accordance with the criteria, aims and objectives set for the call with all reviewers having received unconscious bias training and guidance.





Contact for Queries:

If you have any queries concerning any aspect of the travel fund, please email Lindsey Allen, SEN Project Manager (lindsey.allen@ncl.ac.uk)

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