Flex FundĀ Call 1 Project:
EnFORMM: Energy FORecasting and analytics for Market-led Multi-vector networks
Lead Institution: University of Strathclyde

Project Summary
EnFORMM will develop forecasting tools for efficient operation of multi-vector energy networks and markets. New methods based on data science and machine learning will be developed to predict electricity and gas market prices and volumes, and to quantify risk. A key aspect of EnFORMM is the explicit consideration of interdependencies between energy vectors.
This technology will enhance new and existing business models, such as distributed resource aggregators and heat/energy-as-a-serve, in support of the transition to a zero-carbon energy system. EnFORMM is promoting excellence in UK energy research by supporting outstanding Early Career Researchers at the University of Strathclyde.

Project Team
Investigators & Partners

Prof Stuart Galloway
University of Strathclyde

Dr Graeme Hawker
University of Strathclyde

James Bowers
Project Partner

Barry Cruthers
Project Partner
Scottish Power

Felix Ritchie
Project Partner
Energy Systems Catapult