Dr Caitlin Robinson

Senior Research Fellow
Email: caitlin.robinson@bristol.ac.uk


Caitlin Robinson is an Research Fellow and Proleptic Lecturer in the School of Geographical Science at University of Bristol. Caitlin is currently leading a UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship project mapping ambient vulnerabilities in UK cities.

As a quantitative human geographer, Caitlin’s research investigates the causes and consequences of different types of spatial inequality, with a particular interest in energy poverty and energy justice. She takes a theory-led approach to spatial analyses, using quantitative, spatial datasets and methods to understand inequality across multiple scales.

​From 2020 until 2022, Caitlin was a Lecturer in Urban Analytics in the Department of Geography and Planning at University of Liverpool. Previously, Caitlin was a post-doctoral researcher at the Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies at Newcastle University. Here she worked on the Alan Turing Institute funded ‘Spatial Inequality in the Smart City’ project. This project explored the social and spatial inequalities embedded in sensor infrastructure increasingly deployed in cities.

Before joining Newcastle, Cait was a teaching-focused Lecturer in Geographical Information Systems at The University of Manchester where she also completed her PhD in Human Geography in 2019. Her PhD focused upon the geographies of vulnerability to energy poverty in case studies of England and China.

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News & Events


Energy Transition Report

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The Supergen Energy Networks Hub is committed to conducting interdisciplinary research aimed at propelling energy networks as catalysts for a swift, secure, and equitable journey to Net Zero

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Decision Making in Energy Networks

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Future of Energy Network Regulation

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Colleagues from the Supergen Energy Networks Hub, host a roundtable in London with key stakeholders from across the energy landscape.

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Phil Taylor elected a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering

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Phil Taylor elected Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering

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UK-China Visit to University of Bath

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University of Bath hosts UK-China visit

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Participation in the International Youth Conference on Energy

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Bouthaina is a PhD student at Mohammadia School of Engineering in Morocco and a member of the SEN ECR Committee.

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Blog-Wei Gan

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Wei Gan, currently a Research Associate in the School of Engineering at Cardiff University, working under the supervision of Prof. Jianzhong Wu. My research is primarily focused on the co-optimization of electric and transport networks, as well as peer-to-peer energy trading.

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Blog-Natalia Zografou Barredo

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Natalia is a researcher at the School of Engineering, Newcastle University, U.K. and is part of the Electrical Power Research group. Her research focus is on whole energy systems (including hydrogen), energy systems resilience and mathematical optimisation with applications in electricity distribution.

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Transitioning Power Systems to Net Zero

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The next of many future interviews with Supergen members that looks at the diverse challenges and solutions that face Energy…

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