Flex FundĀ Call 1 Project:

Whole system analysis of advanced thermal energy storage technologies in future UK energy networks


Lead Institution: University of Birmingham


Project Summary

The overarching aim of this project is to develop fundamental understanding of the role and impact of thermal energy storage (TES) technologies in future UK low carbon energy networks.


The focus of this research will be on advanced TES: latent heat TES based on phase change materials (PCMs) and reversible reaction based thermochemical storage (TST).


We will investigate the role, environmental impacts and value of TES in future heat and electricity networks, facilitating TES technological development, business models and inform key decision makers.


Project Team

Investigators & Partners

Dr Adriano Sciacovelli

casePrinciple Investigator

map pinUniversity of Birmingham

Dr Hossein Ameli


map pinImperial College London

Dr Alejandro Gallego-Schmid


map pinUniversity of Manchester

Alvaro Sanchez Miralles

caseProject Partner

map pinStemy Energy Ltd

Zafer Ure

caseProject Partner

map pinPCM Products Ltd