Flex Fund Call 1 Project:

GRid flexibility by Electrifying Energy Networks for Airport (GREEN Airport)


Lead Institution: Cranfield University


Project Summary

The project will investigate the electricity network infrastructure for the electrification of airports with electric aircrafts (EAs) and electric vehicles (EVs). The project aims to include electrified aviation into a whole energy systems approach.


An electricity network model will be developed for airports, by considering temporal power consumption, and charging requirements of EAs and EVs. Electricity network operating strategies will be studied with electric charging schemes, and to explore airport energy networks that interact with power girds.


A feasibility study will be conducted to investigate demand side response through ‘airport to grid’ using aggregated EAs and EVs.


Project Team

Investigators & Partners

Dr Xin Zhang

casePrinciple Investigator

map pinCranfield University

Dr Craig Lawson


map pinCranfield University

Prof Patrick Luk


map pinCranfield University

Guy Bartlett

caseProject Partner

map pinSMS Plc

Dr Liana Cipcigan

caseProject Partner

map pinEPSRC Decarbonising Transport Network, University of Cardiff