Dr David Greenwood

NU Academic Track Fellow (NUAcT)

Email: david.greenwood@ncl.ac.uk
Telephone: +44 (0) 191 20 84460


I am a member of the Electrical Power Research Group and the Power Systems subgroup. My Google Scholar profile can be found here.

I am an engineering researcher with a particular interest in power networks, smart grids, energy storage, probabilistic methods and the effect of weather on electrical systems. My PhD, completed in July 2014, focused on the Real-Time Thermal Rating of overhead lines in electrical networks. My PhD was industrially funded, which meant that in addition to my PhD research I had to organise meetings, write reports and give frequent presentations to industrial partners. I had to work with my sponsors to ensure that I was delivering research that was useful to them, as well as original research required for a PhD. I have been fortunate enough to present my work in France, Denmark, Zambia, Sweden and the USA.



As a NUAcT Fellow I am pursuing a specific research agenda.

I have also been the Newcastle PI for the following projects:

  • MERLON (EU H2020)
  • Pragmatic Security Assessment (Northern Powergrid NIA)
  • CLEARHEADS (Supergen Energy Networks Hub Flex Fund)



Modules Taught 2022/23

SPG8024 – Quantifying Energy Decision Making (Module Leader)

EEE3021 – Renewable Energy Systems and Smart Grids) (50%)


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News & Events


Transitioning Power Systems to Net Zero

Event Featured News

The next of many future interviews with Supergen members that looks at the diverse challenges and solutions that face Energy…

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Community and Networks- An interview with Dr Sam Williamson


The next of many future interviews with Supergen members that looks at the diverse challenges and solutions that face Energy…

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Cyber Security | Programme Funding


Supergen Energy Networks CO’I, Sridhar Adepu is amongst experts in the Cyber Security Group at the University of Bristol who…

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Report: What role can DNOs play in supporting vulnerable consumers during the energy crisis and net zero transition?

Featured Publication

Vulnerable end-users are disproportionately affected in an energy crisis.

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ECR in the SEN Hub-Dr Sam Williamson Interview


Dr Sam Williamson of Bristol Univeristy talks in this video about what ECR (Early Career Researchers) are, their importance and how people can get involved. As an active committee member, Dr Williamson talks with us about the key role that ECR takes within Universities. Exploring the benefits for those involved, the connections that can be made and the community that develops.

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Net-zero Supergen Documentary-Pursuing Low carbon Energy

Featured News

In collaboration with One World at World Energy TV, Supergen is proud to release our brand new documentary. Highlighting the importance of collaboration in our mission towards Net-zero.

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Vulnerabilities in Networks- An interview with Dr Caitlin Robinson

Featured News

The first of many future interviews with Supergen members looking at the diverse challenges and solutions that face Energy Networks.

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Identification of weather patterns and transitions likely to cause power outages in the United Kingdom

News Publication

High risk weather patterns and pattern transitions for all seasons were identified with winter weather patterns characterized by high wind speeds and high precipitation volumes

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National Centre for Decarbonisation of Heat

Featured News

£20 million was recently awarded to the University of Birmingham via the Department for Levelling Up

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